Monday, February 22, 2010

Book Fair

Book Fair

by: Maria Angellica D.C. Castillo 6-St.Peter

Having a book fair is the best way to support our school's reading enhancement efforts, this is why CCC holds a book fair yearly to connect students with book they want to read. This year's book fair was held last February 8-12, 2010. It really encouraged the students to read books. You will find exclusive and more affordable editions of many of the most popular books sold in retail stores like Twilight Saga. There were books about adventure, history, math, drawing, animals and many more. Every free time, students went to the book fair and looked for the books they want and wrote them on their wish list paper to give it to their parents for their buying approval. Every book bought has equivalent points which can then be exchanged for items. Not only grade school and pre-school students went to the fair but also the high school students and even some teachers. Make reading as a habit for it adds up knowledge and widens our imagination. And aside from developing a habit of reading we also helped our school to raise fund in such way.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Grades 5 & 6 Family Quiz Bee Pictures

Family Quiz Bee Winners

*Labitoria Family (6 St.Luke)-Champion

*Cortez Family (6 St. Luke)- 1st Place

*2nd Place
Pictures by: Maria Angellica D.C. Castillo

Grade 5 Golden Jubilee Quiz Bee Pictures

*Grade 5 Golden Jubilee Quiz Bee

*St. Boniface-Champion

*St. Stephen- 1st Place

*St. Camillus-2nd Place
Pictures by: Maria Angellica D.C. Castillo

Grade 6 Golden Jubilee Quiz Bee Pictures

*Grade 6 Golden Jubilee Quiz Bee


*St. John-1st Place
*St. Luke-2nd Place

Pictures by: Maria Angellica D.C. Castillo

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Grade 6- Golden Jubilee Quiz Bee

By:Zennaiah Mary Rose S. Gonzales 6-st.Peter

The Jubilee quiz bee was held last Feb.10, 2010 at CCC gymnasium. It started at 7:00 AM with a prayer led by Nyro Magsino of 6- St. Peter followed by opening remarks given by Mrs. Lerma Fernandez our grade school principal. Everybody was excited because six sections in grade 6 compete for the quiz bee. Mrs. Sergia Rivera, our SAC of HEKASI was the master of the ceremony. After the quiz bee a grade 3 pupil from St. Martha of Bethany, Hannah Pascasio rendered a song number with a very excellent performance. The awarding and closing remarks was given by Mrs. Lydia Gurango, our assistant grade school principal. The jury also gave the most discipline section at the same time. It was a successful and nice experience that
everybody cannot forget.

*here are the winners:
Champion- St. Peter
1st- St. John
2nd- St. Luke
most discipline section- St. Paul

Friday, February 12, 2010

Grade 3 Jubilee Quiz Bee By: Jamie Claire M. Morales and Patricia G. Navarro

February 10 was a very special day for grade 3 pupils because it is their Jubilee Quiz Bee. The grade 3 pupils arrived at the gym at 11:30 in the morning. Everybody was excitedto know who will be the winners. Everybody participated well at the Jubilee Quiz Bee.

Before awarding the winning sections us, the pupils of grade 6 St. Peter performed a play showing the three kinds of pollution and how you can prevent the spread of this three kinds. After our performance, the awarding began and these are the winners... St. Lucy as 2nd placer, St. Maria Goretti as the 1st placer and the Champion is St. Clare.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Holy Spirit Comes to us , fully in the Sacrament of Confirmation

By : Rose Bernardette G. Vicencio
Grade VI - St. Peter

Cainta Catholic College celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation in Our Lady Of Light Parish Church at 8 o' clock in the morning of January 30, 2010. The Grade 6 pupils and some High School students of CCC were excited because they will receive fully the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We started walking towards the altar with our godparents and bowed. Father Blaise Jose Maria Garcia, our School Chaplain presided the mass and were very lucky to have with us Bishop Francisco de Leon with his homily saying, "If we do good to others, we follow the Holy Spirit but if we do bad to others, we entertain the evil spirit." "In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we received the knowledge which is the gift of the Holy Spirit to do right judgment in making decisions", he added. Then the Bishop assisted by the priests annointed us with the Chrism Oil and tell us to be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit with our godparents hands on our shoulders.
We would like to thank our advisers, faculty members, lay ministers, and other church people who organized the confirmation rite. This confirmation would not be successful without their help and full cooperation. Now, Grade 6 pupils including me and some other High School students are truly confirmed Catholic Christian.


WRITER'S NOTES/COMMENTS:I'm doing this review for our school, which my teacher asked some help and I kindly volunteered to be busy this day (: High hopes for my review!

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Rating:XXXXX - 5 x's ((: = 5 STARS!

Yes, we're talking about the AVATAR Movie that has been a big hit last 2009. A film by James Cameron, director of Terminator, Terminator 2, True Lies, and the most remembered Titanic. I honestly don't remember some parts because it's like a film year ago, but it was still in my mind. Avatar is like war? Well, mostly. According to what I have read and all, this film was also supposed to take place right after Titanic was made, which was like 1994. But according to Cameron himself, the tech's and all are not yet that 'compatible' with what he really wants to vision and what outcome he wants. The what we called in the movie "Na'vi" is one who is living peacefully worshpping a mother goddess named "Eywa". Mostly it's like humans, us, wanting something selfish for ourselves but not considering the other 'creatures' that are in it. It's not really that complicated story, really.

The Graphics on how the Na'vi moves are just plain epic, the way it was made is from awesomeness I'm telling you. The places like the Forest is mainly and nice job done! Like always, it is an action-adventure movie with an inspiring self-discovery of true selves and what you really want for yourself. Avatar is also like fighting movie like that, but they're fighting for peace. AVATAR is really something that excites you and gives you more inspiration.

-Heather Ysabel