Monday, February 22, 2010

Book Fair

Book Fair

by: Maria Angellica D.C. Castillo 6-St.Peter

Having a book fair is the best way to support our school's reading enhancement efforts, this is why CCC holds a book fair yearly to connect students with book they want to read. This year's book fair was held last February 8-12, 2010. It really encouraged the students to read books. You will find exclusive and more affordable editions of many of the most popular books sold in retail stores like Twilight Saga. There were books about adventure, history, math, drawing, animals and many more. Every free time, students went to the book fair and looked for the books they want and wrote them on their wish list paper to give it to their parents for their buying approval. Every book bought has equivalent points which can then be exchanged for items. Not only grade school and pre-school students went to the fair but also the high school students and even some teachers. Make reading as a habit for it adds up knowledge and widens our imagination. And aside from developing a habit of reading we also helped our school to raise fund in such way.