Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gr.V-Family Day

Before we start our man progrm we attended the mass. During the homily the priest says that "As a catholic,the parents should bare in their minds that it is not only their obligation to give their children a good education and food to eat but also to let them grow with faith in God". After the mass we went to the gym and start the Family day. First we prayed the opening prayer leaded by Mr. and Mrs. Ilarina and their son Lawrence Ilarina and sang the National Anthem with Mrs. Mates the Grade 5 teacher. Then Mrs. Lerma Fernandez the President of Grade School Department had a short speech,then Mrs. Jane Chicote the Coordinator of Elementary Christian Living and the couple Mr. and Mrs. Perez explained the Positive Empoweed Parenting . We had a little discussion about the parenting guidelines,this was to let the parents know on how to take care of their children as they grow. We sang the song "Welcome to the Family" for our parents. Then after that Ms. Garcia announced that we will eat together with our parents. After we eat we had a Family Quiz Bee,some family are nervous about the questions. After the clinher, Aas! We had our winner . Then they gave a Certificate of Participation to the Family who participated in the said quiz bee.Then after that Rev. Msgr. Arnel F. Lagarejos, S ThD had a speech about parenting guidelines too. So then, we had a game hosted by the PTA President of St. Gregory Mr. Dulla. Even myself and my father joined the game though we did not win still we enjoyed it as others enjoyed the game of Mr. Dulla. Then the students of Grade 5 had a presentation, they dance to make their parents proud of them. After the presentation of Grade 5 Ms. Garcia announced that its time to go home so some students say goodbye to their bestfriends. After all of this we went home happy!

Alexandrea L. Falcutila

Gr.V-st. Gregory